Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan 2021-2026
State of New Mexico’s Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, State Parks Division
Community Planning
Parks and Recreation
Public Engagement
Sites Southwest collaborated with New Mexico State Parks, the Economic Development Department's Outdoor Recreation Division, and the National Park Service to better understand outdoor recreation resources and trends, as well as to compile a trail inventory for the entire state of New Mexico.
The State Parks Division of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) initiated the 2021-2026 update of the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). The goals of the statewide plan and the planning process that goes with it will guide the state's allocation from the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Sites Southwest was hired to lead the planning process and was responsible for: • Analyzing national and state outdoor recreation trends • Summarizing the economic impact of outdoor recreation in New Mexico • Creating an outdoor recreation resource inventory and associated maps • Understanding environmental opportunities and threats • Connecting outdoor education to overall goals
An extensive engagement process was used to develop the plan update, which included leaders, agencies, non-profits, residents, and recreationalists from across the state. The end result is a set of long-term outdoor recreation planning recommendations, including the needs and opportunities for establishing recreation and historic trails in all regions of New Mexico.